I personally have had many years of worrying about others opinions of myself. I used to be the most self conscious person on this earth. I would make myself sick and loose sleep worrying about things that didnt matter. People who I shouldnt have let matter in my life. When I tell you it coulld be just as simply as the way someone looked at me, I'm not lying.
We can not be everybodys cup of tea and that goes both ways. If you were to tell me theres never been one person you've not like. Ummmm we both know you are lying. As long as we are being our authentic self and being kind to even those that may not like us we are doing the right thing. Let us remember that most poeple who have negative opinions about you, know nothing about you. Really repeat that to yourself. Most people who have a negative opinion of you DON'T KNOW YOU.
Unfortuently we live in a society where people can take one look at you and already not like you. Especially when it comes to looks and body features. Please remember that the most beautiful thing about someone is their soul. You are only as beautiful as the words you speak.
Peoples opinion of you is none of your business, so dont try to make it yours. Your worth is not measured by their opinions. The only opinion that matters is yourself. What people think about you has nothing to do with you. It is simply a reflection of how they feel about themselves.
Never change who you are my friend for other people. I hope these few paragraphs of my own thoughts can bring you some sort of comfort. Please protect yourself and your peace. From your friend-Kaycee